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"Walking in the Newness of life "


New Beginning

Christian Center


Bishop J.E.Chisholm

& Pastor Vernetta Chisholm

Ministers on Call
F.L.Y. Youth 
Intercessory Prayer


Sister's Connecting
Iron Sharpens Iron




930am Intercessory Prayer

10:15am Christian Education
11:15am Worship & Renewal Experience



730PM Teacher's Bible Study


7pm Prayer
730PM Bible Study

730PM Youth Bible Study 



12PM Noon Day Prayer 



Whereas, the Member and Body of NBCC, do herby proclaim our faith and declare our belief in God, the Father of Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, and the person of his Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.


Moreover, we declare affirmation of our belief and confession of the Word of God as revealed in the Holy Bible, in its entirety to be complete source of Divine Truth inspired by God to be profitable as doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness,


Wherefore, We Confess and Believe:


In the Deity and Godhead of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

(Matthew 28;19, John 14:9, Colossians 2:9)


In the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, as the Son of God.

(Luke 1:30-35, Matthew 1:18)


In Jesus Christ, as our crucified and risen Savior of the world.

(Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12)


In Worship in the spirit, celebrated by praise, singing, dancing, clapping, and lifting hands. ( Psalms 100:1-4, Psalms 149:3, Psalms 150, Psalms 63:4, Psalms 141:2


In the full manifestation and operation of the Holy Spirit in the lives and assembly of Believers.


In the office and ministry of the Apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and Teachers as well as the election of Elders, and Deacons to provide structure and leadership in the local church.


In the visible Return of Jesus Christ to receive His Church, and establish His kingdom with the Promise of Eternal Life to all who Believe.



Bishop James and Pastor Vernetta Chisholm founded New Beginning Christian Center in an abandoned building on Airline Blvd., in the city of Portsmouth, VA, in March of 1984.  Only five adults and two ministers attended the first service but this did not stop Bishop Chisholm from bringing forth The Word in the form of a study, teaching from the book of Romans on the “Righteousness of Faith.”


            Bishop James and Pastor Vernetta accepted the charge, and pursued the Vision to establish the foundation of a viable ministry with a mandate to teach the principles of God’s Word and promote the full manifestation of The Holy Spirit in an atmosphere of Worship and Praise, conducive to the liberation of all who are bound.


            On September 8, 1985, the small assembly of less than twenty members ceremonially broke ground and proceeded to build a new edifice by faith. The construction of the new edifice began according to the vision and specifications The Lord prompted in the heart of Bishop James.  The actual construction began under the professional supervision of Elder Alfonzye Chisholm, a master builder by trade, alongside Pastor and a few good stewards of the church who contributed countless hours of labor to the project.


            The fellowship persevered to become a viable church and outreach center with a mandate to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ through spirit filled ministry to the total man.


            The ministry of NBCC has grown to include several ministries that assist in promoting the mandate to win lost souls. These ministries assist the needy, educate the body, heal the sick, and teach the believer to walk in the Fullness of The Spirit, and experience the newness of Life.


            New Beginning Christian Center is a living legacy of faithfulness to the Faithful God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose handwriting is found on the wall of its sanctuary; “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy later end shall greatly increase.” (Job 8:7).


James E. Chisholm is the Bishop & Founder of New Beginning Christian Center located at 5900 Arthur Avenue in the city of Portsmouth, Virginia. Pastor Chisholm was born in Chester, South Carolina and is a resident of Portsmouth, Virginia.  He was saved at an early age and some years later he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and became committed to Christ as a young adult upon graduating from college.


Bishop Chisholm is married to the former Vernetta Rebecca Woods and is the father of two daughters, Joi and Traci, and in 2004 Pastor and Co-pastor Chisholm spirtually adopted a daughter, Tekey Hayes, into their home and hearts. He has two grandsons James Thaxton & Shaun Bennett. He is the son of the late elder Alfonzye Chisholm and Late Deaconess Annie F. Chisholm, of Portsmouth Virginia.




Bishop James attended Norfolk State University and is a graduate of Hampton University. He has won a number of awards in the areas of science and art. He was nationally recognized for his invention of three mechanical robots. His accomplishments received nationwide acclaim through the news media, television coverage, the June 1970 issue of Ebony Magazine, a number of periodicals and a school text book. Since that time Bishop Chisholm has received a higher calling to afford that most excellent prize which is in Christ Jesus. He states concerning his past dreams of robots and mechanical men, “No more is my desire to build obedient robots, but to an obedient servant unto God.” Bishop served as a police Chaplin in Portsmouth, Virginia for 10 years and 8 years as the director. 


Since the origin and founding of NBCC ministry in March of 1984 the church has grown from a house-to-house ministry into a viable non-denominational Spirit-filled church and outreach center with a mandate to preach and teach the Gospel, feed and clothe the poor and needy, minister healing to the sick, comfort to the broken hearted, make the captives free, and show forth the miraculous works of God. 

Come Worship with Us at 



5900 Arthur Ave. Portsmouth, Va 23703​

Tel:  757.686.8008


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© 2017 by TL Chisholm Ministries.

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